When Firefox started to become popular kadaitcha.cx watched the site’s browser stats for Firefox creep up to and then surpass the 10% mark. There was much rejoicing back then because if 10% of visitors were using Firefox then there was finally a serious competitor to Internet Exploder, and that was taking place despite the Microsoft Borg’s shenanigans in forcing users to comply with its will. A few years later, in 2009, kadaitcha.cx watched as the Firefox stats crept up to close to 30%, but still not surpassing Internet Exploder as the preferred browser.

Today, 2nd August 2010, the browser wars appear to be over with a resounding victory for Google Chrome. Chrome has hit 35.9%, Firefox is at 30.7%, and Internet Exploder is running a sad third with 28.7%. WOO HOO! Suck that, Microsoft.

Those aren’t the only changes that have been noticed in the stats. kadaitcha.cx statistic’s profile is changing in some unexpected ways. When the site was first put up the audience was overwhelmingly from the USA and the UK. Today, the number of visitors from China hit the second spot, with India coming in a close third. The USA only just made it home to first place.

Of course, that’s just today’s statistics. They were quite different yesterday.

Hey, if Microsoft can fiddle the truth about their Vista sales stats by counting XP installations that had a Vista licence key then I can do it with my site stats.

Perhaps you’re wondering what the point of all those statistics really is. It’s this:

kadaitcha.cx’s site stats paint a different picture over a full month, however the news is not good for Microsoft. While Internet Exploder is still the top single web browser with 42% of visitors using it, we must rejoice for the resounding victory of the Open Source community, which now accounts for 49.5% of all browsers visiting kadaitcha.cx (Chrome and Firefox combined). Firefox is at a very admirable 36.5% and Chrome takes up the rear guard position with just over 13%.

The Microsoft Borg, despite its best efforts, has failed to cudgel the user community into bowing to its will.

It’s quite clear that the user community is far more savvy than Microsoft care to give it discredit for so kadaitcha.cx will crack open a cold Aussie bitter or three and drink, not only to the Open Source community, but to the user community as well. And I’ll crack another one to toast the future of Linux.

Even after many years of trying, Linux still has a long way to go, it simply isn’t up to the level of Windows 7 in terms of sheer user experience but it does represent something very significant; a growing rebellion of the masses against the Microsoft Borg.

3 Responses to “Open Source wins the browser wars”

  • Some brain-dead blog spammer:

    Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!

  • Clogwog:

    You didn’t mention Opera, still small but with a growing marketshare and a lot faster than Firefox and Chrome.

  • Rennie:

    The problem with Linux is that most populair programs don’t support it.
    I really like Linux but i can’t even play online poker with it. It’s better than windows in lots of ways but most people who use Linux still need it for some programs.
    I guess it’s a big monopoly.

    Chrome user also, and i agree we shouldn’t forget Opera!

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